Borders Forum 2022 – Paris, France

The Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) is currently organising the second edition of the Borders Forum, a European event supported by the European Commission, the European Committee of the Regions, and the French National Agency for the Cohesion of Territories. It will be held on 21 and 22 June in Paris. This event will highlight the role, place and resilience of cross-border territories in Europe.

The Objectives of the Borders Forum are:

1. Demonstrate the key role played by cross-border areas in bringing the peoples of Europe together; promote sustainable and inclusive growth; and support European integration.

2. Convince European and national authorities to put cross-border territories at the heart of their public action.

3. Showcase France’s ambitions for cross-border territories at the European level in the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

ASWM is invited and will be part of the round table on the second day of the Forum with discussion entitled: “How to get organised to deal with environmental and climate emergencies?”

In recent years, Europe has faced major natural disasters, such as Alex storm in the Roya and Vésubie valleys (FR-IT), flooding in the Benelux countries, and massive forest fires in the south of Europe. These natural and human disasters require coordinated responses across borders. This round table will be an opportunity to highlight solidarity and cross-border cooperation in the face of ecological and climatic emergencies, both in terms of risk prevention and emergency response.

More about the Border Forum 2022 you can find out on the official webpage of the event