Project name: Together with the citizens and the business, we are building the future of the Municipality № BG05SFOP001-2.025-0008-C01
Donor: European Union through the European Social Fund; Operational programme: Good Governance
Priority axes: Effective and professional management in partnership with civil society and the business
Name of procedure: Procedure № BG05SFOP001-2.025 - Increasing citizen participation in the processes of implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation
Duration in months: 12
Period of implementation: 16/08/2022 – 16/08/2023
This project aims to strengthen the interaction of civil society and local government by developing and implementing effective mechanisms to create good, fair and transparent governance for the benefit of citizens It envisages a set of activities, the sequence of which is selected so as to ensure the achievement of the objectives, results and indicators set in the project
1. Preparation of an Analysis of the obstacles to civic participation in the process of implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation and study of their degree of impact, which will answer the question of how to increase civic participation and improve the quality of governance
2. Organizing an information campaign to stimulate civic participation in the processes of policy implementation and monitoring
3. Conducting trainings for municipal employees and informal CSO leaders for capacity building for joint implementation and monitoring of policies
The target group of the project are employees of the municipality, NGOs, representatives of business and civil society
The project will be implemented in partnership with the municipality of Slivnitsa
As a result of the implementation of the project activities the interaction between the administration and the citizens and the business will increase and their activity in the implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation will increase including making recommendations for improving the service delivery processes, fighting corruption preventing a conflict of interest and abuse of office compliance with ethical standards by civil servants and will improve the socio-economic environment as a result of more open and responsible governance.
Project value: 54 603 BGN